What kind of skills do you train parents in?
There are three areas we focus on:
- Connecting with your child
- Guide your child to find purpose in life
- Discipline your child in his or her love language.
These three subjects help children in the following areas of their life:
- Children want to listen
- Children enjoy school
- They know their purpose in life
- They are confident
- They become influencing leaders and not followers of the wrong path
- They make good decisions that benefit them and those around them.
- They are responsible individuals
- They know their value and see value in others.
- They respect themselves and others.
The training we give we give without expecting any money as the people we work with are not able to make any payments. Most people in our communities who are having problems with their children will first buy essentials rather than using that money to pay for any type of training making them better. We want to really help people see and have the lives they are supposed to have with peace, love, harmony and success. This ties in nicely with our Coaching as well.
We help those who are feeling distressed or depressed. People who are hopeless and have lost their love for life. They feel like they do not matter and lack so much self confidence and self-worth.
We want to help those people find their love for life!
Help them find their value!
And help them walk in confidence again!
Who is the training for?
Parents in homes, schools, churches, organizations and online platforms.
How much does it cost?
We offer it free because most of the people we help can't afford training.
How can you partner with us?
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